

cumberland countyCumberland county is an area of Tennessee that is home to more than 56,000 people. Throughout history, it has had a major impact in a lot of different things, including the Civil War, a time period when everything was divided. It was formed during 1856, but before that, in 1787, it was a trail that connected North Carolina to Knoxville and on to Nashville. Then, it became known for its saltpeter mine, which allowed people to make gunpowder. Richard Green Waterhouse was the one of the first people to settle in the area in 1800 and he explored the Grassy Cove Saltpeter cave which was on William Kelly’s land in 1812. Today, the Cumberland Trail, the Bledsoe State Forest, and Catoosa Wildlife Management Area are all a part of Cumberland County and those who visit can explore the Cumberland Mountain State Park as well.

Small Town, Tight-Knit Friends

cumberland fallsOn Average, there are approximately 82 people living in every square mile of Cumberland County. However, it is an area that still maintains the small town living that many people love. The average median income for all residents of the county around $36,000 according to the latest census information in 2000. However, there still many reasons people love to call it home, as proven by the fact that there are two high schools, nine elementary schools, and one charter school for all the children that live here.

Plenty to See and Do

ministers treehouseAlthough Cumberland County is kind of laid back in every way, there are still plenty of things for you to explore around the area. Its location is put it right in the middle of Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. To reach Nashville, you will have to travel just shy of two hours, but to reach Knoxville, you will be there in less than an hour and a half. If you want to go a little south, toward Chattanooga, you will have to drive about an hour and a half as well. Either way, in one of these major cities, you will find plenty to entertain yourself with and most are also going to allow you to visit other small towns along the way, even Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park is also a something you could tackle in a day.

Other Areas of Cumberland County

devils breakfast tableIf you want to know about specific areas within Cumberland County, you will enjoy plenty of sights in these small towns. The Minister’s Tree House is located in Crossville, TN, where you can also see some outstanding waterfalls on a nature hike. There are a lot of housing opportunities in Pleasant Hill, TN so that you can find your dream home. Crab Orchard, TN is a nature lover’s paradise with its location near the mountains, where you can also see the “Devil’s Breakfast Table” or the clear waters of Crab Orchard Creek. Crab Orchard is also home to train tracks that tunnels under rocks to reach their destination. There are also plenty of available space for a new nature lover to make it home if you are interested. Where will you explore history first? To hear about other goings on around Cumberland county, you can listen to the news and find out what is going on, where, and when it may be happening.

Controversy In Cookeville Regarding Invasive Plants

Bamboo, despite its many benefits, has become a controversial subject in some communities, including Cookeville, where concerns about its potential for invasiveness have led to negative publicity. The debate surrounding bamboo often centers on its ability to spread aggressively, potentially disrupting local ecosystems and landscaping. However, much of this controversy stems from a misunderstanding of the different types of bamboo and how they behave. The key distinction between bamboo species is whether they are running bamboo or clumping bamboo, and understanding this difference is crucial in assessing bamboo’s suitability for use in towns and neighborhoods.

Running Vs Clumping Bamboo

Running bamboo, which is often associated with invasive behavior, grows via underground rhizomes that can spread rapidly and cover large areas. This aggressive growth habit is one of the primary reasons bamboo has received negative attention. When not properly contained, running bamboo can quickly become a problem, invading neighboring yards, gardens, and even public spaces. It can displace other plants and create maintenance challenges as it pushes through fences and other barriers. This spreading characteristic of running bamboo has led many communities, including Cookeville, to enact restrictions on planting it in residential or public spaces.

On the other hand, clumping bamboo is much more contained and does not spread aggressively. It grows in tight clusters, with new shoots emerging close to the base of the plant. This growth habit makes clumping bamboo an ideal choice for areas where containment is important, such as gardens, privacy screens, or sound barriers. Clumping bamboo tends to grow more slowly compared to running bamboo, and its compact nature makes it easier to manage, requiring less frequent maintenance. The bamboo that has been most frequently touted for landscaping purposes, including in towns and neighborhoods, is clumping bamboo, which has become popular for creating privacy screens, hedges, and natural barriers.

Standout Species

One of the standout species of clumping bamboo is Phyllostachys nigra, commonly known as black bamboo. Black clumping bamboo is particularly admired for its striking appearance. Its dark-colored stems, which range from dark green to jet black as they mature, create a dramatic effect that is both elegant and exotic. Black bamboo has a dense growth habit and can be used effectively in both residential and public spaces. Its ability to create visually appealing screens or natural fences, along with its low-maintenance care requirements, makes it a favorite for landscaping. Additionally, black bamboo is hardy and can thrive in a variety of climates, further enhancing its potential for use in neighborhoods and towns.

Invasive Concerns

In towns like Cookeville, where concerns about bamboo’s invasiveness are prevalent, clumping bamboo, including varieties like black bamboo, can be used effectively if properly managed. Homeowners and landscapers can plant bamboo in well-contained areas, such as in large pots or fenced garden beds, to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably. Proper installation of barriers, such as underground rhizome barriers or using contained bamboo planters, can further reduce the risk of bamboo becoming invasive. By choosing clumping varieties and using thoughtful placement and maintenance, bamboo can provide many benefits without causing harm to the surrounding environment.

Bamboo, when used responsibly, can enhance towns and neighborhoods by providing attractive, functional landscaping solutions. It can serve as a privacy screen, reduce noise pollution, and add aesthetic value to properties. With the right education and management, communities can enjoy the beauty and benefits of bamboo without the worry of it becoming an invasive problem. As the understanding of bamboo’s different growth habits grows, towns like Cookeville can find a balance between enjoying the plant’s many advantages and mitigating its potential risks.

Local Activities to Cool Off During Summer

nature hike in the woodsSummer time is a great time for family fun, but a lot of families simply do not know what they can do to entertain bored kids during the summer vacation. They feel that they have to venture out to theme parks and go on long vacations to exciting places. The truth is, there are a lot of local activities to cool off during the summer and eliminate some of those summertime blues.

Boredom During Summer

In many cases, both parents work. Kids get out of school and go from having friends to spend the day with to sitting at home doing nothing. They go from getting up in the morning and spending the day at school to sleeping late because there is nothing more to do. It gets boring quickly. Smart phones, PCs, video games, tablets, and televisions may help, but then kids are not being as active as we need for them to be. How do you as a working parent combat the summer boredom? By finding things to do that do not cost a fortune and encourage kids to stay active, but then, you also have to worry about how to handle the heat. Most families also try to get kids outdoors when they are off work and able to play a little as well.

Family Fun in the Summer

playing in sprinklersMost areas of the world have things to do locally that may appeal to not only children of all ages, but their parents. Smaller kids will be happy to have their parents get under a sprinkler with them. They will enjoy small swimming pools, trips to the store, and visiting museums or other things that are close by. Older children and teens are a little harder to keep happy. They are the ones who typically want to go on big summertime adventures. They will have the most fun spending time at the mall with friends, but they can also enjoy adventures with their parents. Trips to the lakes and rivers where they can sunbathe or float downstream. If you are near the mountains or your family is truly adventurous, you can tackle the rapids in the best inflatable kayak for whitewater. The one summer holiday is the 4th of July in the U.S.A. You should make a point to go big with it. Sparklers and firecrackers, pool parties if you have one, and joining in the local festivities will all be a great way to spend time as a family.

Keeping Cool This Summer

baking with kidsKids of all ages, and their parents, will enjoy spending time together as long as they can find a way to beat the heat of summer. There are a lot of local fun things to do, you simply have to look around your local area to find them. It may be a petting zoo that you have never heard of, a new museum you haven’t yet explored, or anything else. The great thing about all towns, both big and small, is that usually there are hidden gems to explore and most will allow you to escape the heat in some way. You can also have fun without ever leaving home. What will you find to do this summer?

Radio Show for Outdoor Settings

radio broadcast liveLocal businesses are supported by the community that they are a part of. However, for small towns all around the world, this often means that they barely manage to keep their heads above water. Often there is not enough locals to support a business enough to ensure expansion. This is where radio can help. However, you need to be set up for a radio show for outdoor settings to make it happen.

Promoting Local Business and Beyond

microphoneMany radio shows go to events and locations to broadcast live. They encourage people who are within the listening area to “come down and see all that is going on”. The hosts talk about the fun that may be happening, the sales and merchandise that may be available, and much more. Their job is to get people excited and make them curious about what is going on in the local area. It doesn’t always have to be a big event, but it has to be something substantial to make them want to come out and do a live broadcast. It also helps if you are set up to have them on site so that they can bring less of their equipment.

Necessary Equipment for a Live Broadcast

live radio broadcastHosting a live radio broadcast is not hard, but it does require you to be set up for it. It is kind of a live DJ stand, but without the music since that can be played from the station if you have someone else there to turn it on and off. You have to have the microphones to ensure that your voice is loud, speakers to ensure that your words are clear, and a sound booth is sometimes also set up. In front of a small business, some business owners choose to have speakers that look like rocks, since they blend in with the surroundings while providing clear sound. All the radio station host has to do is connect to them and start announcing. Another thing that many radio broadcasters have available are games and prizes for the people who do show up to listen. In some cases, the radio broadcast may also require transmission equipment and transmitters. This will allow less noise to interfere with the normal outdoor noises and distractions. Audio processors can optimize the way you sound, and a studio delay will allow you to edit out things that shouldn’t be said; such as people walking past you swearing.

Make It Loud and Proud

The best thing that you can do for your business is advertise. Radio makes it easier for you to do this while allowing people to view your business and event as “fun”. People all over the world are more likely to do something fun, visit somewhere that is fun, and return to see if more fun can be had. Radio is always something that people view as fun. Hosts make it exciting, even if there isn’t that much exciting to see and just a huge sale on the merchandise that you offer each day. Can you think of a better way to advertise?

Pets Final Resting Place

losing a petWhen you live in the country, you know beyond a doubt that pets are human’s best friends. They are a part of the family. They are people that you love and care about. It isn’t just dogs or cats. Virtually any animal can become a beloved member of a family. Therefore, when we lose a pet, it is like losing a member of the family. Some people love their pets so much that they are even given a farewell at their burial site, much the same as they would give to a human loved one. This is also why there are people who put a lot of thought into their pets final resting place.

Losing a Loved Member of the Family

pet tombstonesBoth kids and adults can become very attached to a pet. There is truth to the saying that “Dogs are a mans best friend”, but often, it does not stop at just dogs. When you live near a farm, you may mourn the loss of a cat, a rabbit, cows, or any other animal that has lovingly been adopted by the family. It is hard on everyone within the family, especially if the pet has been raised with the kids. Many pet owners feel that if they wouldn’t bury a family member there, they wouldn’t bury their best friend there either. They are the ones who put the most thought into a final resting place.

The Best Burial Space

pet cemeteryAdmittedly, there are some people who choose to simply dig a hole and then say prayers over it as they put their pet down. There are some people who will then build a memorial for their best buddy. It may be built using stones, wood, or any number of other things that may be there. However, there are others who truly go above and beyond. They are the ones who take their pet to the crematory so that their pet can be put into an urn and kept close by for years to come. A crematory also allows you to bury your pet on the property without having to worry that other animals may come for it. There are also people who cannot bare the thought of either of those options and they make arrangements at Whispering Pines Pet Cemetery, where their pet can have a final resting place that is worthy of them.

Mourn the Loss

One thing that you should keep in mind if you are mourning the loss of a pet is that everyone has to grieve. Even though it is only a pet, you should treat them the way that you feel most comfortable with. They were your pet and your friend or family by adoption. It does not matter whether they were a tiny goldfish that you had for a year or a horse that you have ridden daily for twenty years. You and your family should take the time to do right by them in death as they did right by you during their life. Love for a pet, does not end because their life does. They are always going to be a cherished family member and if you want to do the ceremony and burial, it is your right to do so.